Angels' Club
Earn points and turn them into rewards
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Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
Earn Points
Purchase a product
Get 2 Tender Points for every $1 spent
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Get 100 Tender Points
Redeem Rewards
Angels' Tender Reward
20 Tender Points = $1 discount
Angels' Tees Double Reward
50 Tender Points = $5 off a specific category
Angels' Mugs Double Reward
50 Tender Points = $5 off a specific category
Angels' Club Rewards Program Details
Becoming a member of Angels' Club allows you to earn points every time you make a purchase at You earn 1 point for every dollar you spend. You can redeem 20 points for $1 off your purchase. You can redeem 100 points for $5 off your purchase. Spend your points as you see fit but beware: Points expire after 6 months of account inactivity.
Angels' Tee Double Reward option doubles your point values when you redeem your points to purchase any tee shirt or tank top.
Angels' Mug Double Reward option doubles your point values when you redeem your points to purchase any mug.